
Ribby Cardi

Ribby Cardi KAL

The Ribby Cardi was one of the very first sweaters I ever knitted and completed in February, 2005. To help me with the process, I joined the Ribby Cardi KAL and found the KAL both helpful and supportive in my process of finishing this sweater.

Highland Peruvian Wool

The yarn I chose for this project was the Highland Peruvian Wool in mid-indigo blue & rosewood from Elann.com. It makes for a very warm cardigan that can be easily worn in the winter months as a jacket or a sweater itself. I find the wool slightly itchy but nothing that's unbearable. Anyone who's allergic or sensitive to wool probably cannot use this yarn unless they are making an outwear garment to be worn over other articles of clothing. It is, however, not at all that bad for the price of this yarn!

Ribby Cardi Front & Back

While knitting the cardigan, I decided to mix the colours up a little from the pattern by adding stripes in the sleeve and around the neck collar. I also ended up adding a stripe at the bottom of the back of the cardigan….not because it was chosen but because my back piece ended up being slightly shorter than my front pieces and to make them balance, I had to add some rows at the bottom. A mistake to start but a really fortunate style addition to the overall cardigan!

Chicknits.com, the writer of the pattern, also has a Ribby gallery which I was posted to! For awhile I really felt quite famous….LOL! To see all the ribby cardis posted on the gallery, please visit the Gallery Ribby. I was also posted on the Chicknits.com blog here. All my comments about my experience with the pattern can be found by clicking on my picture in the Gallery Ribby.

Ribby Cardi

I also have other WIP and FO photos and notes on Flickr.com which can be viewed here. All knitting WIP content can be found by clicking here.