
Archive for January 5th, 2006|Daily archive page

Purple Sage Yarn

In Dyeing on January 5, 2006 at 5:19 pm

Purple Sage YarnMy latest dyeing escapade. This time I used Gaywool dyes and did an “immersion” dye job. Pretty cool effect really when it’s all done. It’s a matter of putting your hank into water (almost 3/4 full on the hank), sprinkling dye all over the yarn with whatever colours you prefer and immersing the hank into the water slightly to allow the dye to settle into the water around the yarn. Then “cook” for 30 minutes. The reaction seems to take place within the first 4 minutes (or so the instructions say) so even if the dyes run into each other later and the water turns brown, no problem…just rinse the hank off after it’s “cooked” and all these lovely colours come out. It’s a pretty cool process and I quite enjoy watching the yarn come out as I never quite know what colours will be produced. This hank reminds me of the purple sage plant with it’s purples and burgundies so alas, I named it “purple sage”.

Click on the image to see larger.

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