
Archive for January 10th, 2006|Daily archive page

Handpainted Sock Yarn PINK PASSION

In Dyeing on January 10, 2006 at 5:29 pm

This dyeing thing is way too much!! And this is the colour I came up with by combining the yellow and red Gaywool dyes. I really like this colourway too…what a pretty pair of socks or scarf this will make!

Click on the image to see larger!

For sale in my Etsy shop. Click here.

I’ve created a couple of new pages on my blog too…one is to keep track of my sold colourways and the other is a page to track my current yarns for sale. I also have a “Yarn Specials” category where you can read all about the current specials. Thanks for looking!

Lace Weight Dyeing – Success!

In Koolaid on January 10, 2006 at 5:23 pm

These are the two colourways I came up with after mixing some Koolaid colours together which surprised me a little actually…who knew you could get such pretty colours from Koolaid mixing? They are basically the same colours but one is more muted and the other is a little more vibrant. How’d I do that? I added some red and blue food colours into their respective colours for the brighter skein! The “Copper Sunset” skein (top left) is a little more muted than the “Coral Reef” skein (right) but since it’s lace weight yarn, I think it’s an appropriate colour and would be lovely knitted up as a shawl.

Of course, click on the images to see larger too!

Copper Sunset is for sale here.

Coral Reef is for sale here.