
Archive for January 28th, 2006|Daily archive page

Vogue & Jaeger

In Pattern Books on January 28, 2006 at 9:18 pm

Gosh, I’ve been so busy with dyeing yarn I have forgotten to post about my new pattern books…LOL! Seriously, dyeing can take up so much of your time…so much that I haven’t even been knitting! But let me just say…dyeing a lovely skein of yarn is just as satisfying as knitting can be…however, I am beginning to really miss my knitting too!! I got the Jaeger pattern books for Christmas, a lovely gift from the man in red. The front cabled beige cardigan really intrigues me and I want to make it…gorgeous! And I just picked up Vogue today…some lovely patterns in there too! Can’t wait to read a little tonight!