
Archive for January 17th, 2006|Daily archive page

Worsted Weight Dyeing

In Dyeing on January 17, 2006 at 11:08 am

Here’s the results achieved with worsted weight yarn. I call this one TROPICAL SPLASH…it’s infused with light orange, pinks and a hint of burgundy! Click on the image to see larger!

Great part with this yarn is it almost exhausted all the dye in the dye bath! It must have something to do with the thickness of the yarn because my sock yarn really doesn’t exhaust the dye bath like this one did…I end up pouring quite a bit of colour down the drain! This one, not so much! I decided to try 2 skeins at once to get the same “dye lot”. They are pretty much the same too! One skein has a wee bit more burgundy in it than the other but other than that, very much the same!

For sale in my Etsy shop – click here.

If you’d like to view a slideshow of the colourways I’ve sold so far, click here…it’s kind of pretty to watch the yarn in slideshow format…consider it yarn therapy…I could stare at it all day… 😉 🙂